Faith Leaders Respond to Supreme Court’s Action on Immigration “Wealth Test”

Trump Administration’s Goal is to Keep Out All Immigrants But the Very Rich 

Washington, DC – Yesterday, the U.S. Supreme Court lifted a nationwide injunction, clearing the way for the Trump administration to implement its revision to the definition of who is considered to be a “public charge,” and therefore ineligible for permanent legal status. 

“This amounts to an expanded ‘wealth test’ on individuals who already qualify for legal permanent residency under U.S. immigration law, with the goal of keeping out all but the very rich,” said Lawrence E. Couch, director of the National Advocacy Center of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd. “This is very disappointing and disturbing.”

“I am dismayed that the Supreme Court would allow this cruel rule to be enacted,” said Laura Peralta-Schulte, Senior Government Relations Advocate for NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice. “A wealth test goes against everything my Catholic faith teaches as does punishing immigrants who use legally-allowed, life-saving services. Its purpose is to strip the dignity from our immigrant neighbors and instill fear in their hearts. President Trump is literally stealing food off the tables of families.”

“It hurts U.S. citizens seeking to reunite with their loved ones. It harms would-be immigrants who would benefit our communities and congregations if allowed to enter the United States. This is about xenophobia, not good policy. It’s unAmerican, and goes against our sacred calling to protect the vulnerable and welcome the sojourner,” said Rev. Sharon Stanley-Rea, Director, Disciples Refugee & Immigration Ministries. 

“This deplorable decision by the Supreme Court confirms what is in reality an anti-immigrant proposal by the administration,” said Stephen Schneck, executive director of Franciscan Action Network. “When FAN submitted a public comment we stated that it is inhumane and immoral to make parents choose between citizenship and providing needed benefits for their children. This ruling impedes access to healthcare and food security and hurts U.S. citizens seeking to reunite with their loved ones.  It contradicts what we believe as followers of Jesus Christ and St. Francis of Assisi.”

“With this new ruling from the Supreme Court, the administration is allowed to keep people who are living in poverty and part of the working class from coming to the United States, from reuniting in the United States, from accessing basic needs, and from reuniting with their families. This is a grave injustice, and it blatantly discriminates against those who are living in poverty. We believe it goes against the values of our faith and the Gospel that is good news to the poor,” says Paola Fuentes Gleghorn, Immigration and Women and Girls Campaign Coordinator for Sojourners. 

“Nobody should have to choose between citizenship and providing for their children. Nobody in need of food, housing, child care, or education should be afraid of asking for those benefits,” said Diane Randall, Executive Secretary of the Friends Committee on National Legislation (Quakers). “Those who seek to deny immigrants these benefits lack compassion and, more importantly, common sense.”

“People of faith have always been on the side of those in need, said Rev. Jennifer Butler, CEO, Faith in Public Life. “Yesterday’s ruling gives the Trump administration continued permission to attack immigrant families and communities. I share a religious commitment with people across faith traditions to treat newcomers to our nation with the same dignity, respect and compassion that everyone deserves.” 

“Time and time again we have seen how new members of our community help us prosper and make us stronger, especially when given the right tools. This rule not only hinders their ability to thrive and give back, but it leaves them with the impossible choice between reuniting with their families or making sure they have enough food on the table. When we invest in nutrition, health care, and other essential needs, children keep learning, parents keep working, and families stay strong. We all are better. This rule is an attack against families and goes against the tenets of our faith traditions — to welcome and love our neighbors, and especially to care for our children,” added Rev. John L. McCullough, President and CEO of Church World Service. 

“Pope Francis has called on all people of goodwill to ‘work together to practice hospitality, especially towards those whose lives are most vulnerable,’” said Christopher Kerr, executive director of the Ignatian Solidarity Network. “Our nation needs policies that protect the economically poor and marginalized rather than actively seeking to exclude them.”

“The Supreme Court’s decision to allow the Trump Administration to move forward with their discriminatory wealth test is immoral. The litigation in the lower courts will still continue, and this stay of the injunction does not mean that this policy is lawful. This public charge rule is just another way the Administration is working to threaten immigrant communities, incite fear, and separate families,” said Kristin Kumpf, Director of Human Migration and Mobility at the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC). “Rather than limiting access to basic human rights, we should be expanding the safety net for vulnerable populations and our society as a whole. Fairness and compassion should never be dependent on a person’s race, ethnicity, place of birth or income status. As immigrants continue to face attacks on their lives and livelihoods, it’s critical that we continue to call for humane policies that respect the rights and dignity of all people.”

“The public charge rule is an affront to our Jewish values,” said Jody Rabhan, Chief Policy Officer at the National Council of Jewish Women. “We are commanded thirty-six times in the Torah to welcome the stranger. The Supreme Court’s decision is a reminder that courts matter to every single issue we care about. NCJW will continue to fight for the rights of all marginalized people, including immigrants targeted by this rule, to build new lives in our nation.”

“We are deeply disappointed by the Supreme Court’s decision to lift the temporary injunction and allow the administration to implement a regulation solely designed to restrict immigration and punish immigrant families. The rule could dissuade parents from obtaining benefits for which their children qualify. It will increase poverty, hunger, homelessness, and decrease children’s well-being. This targeting of the most vulnerable within our community violates the tenets of our faith and threatens the values of our nation. If we want our communities to thrive, all families in those communities have to have access to the care and services they need and to which they are entitled,” said Carol Zinn, SSJ, Executive Director of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious.

LIRS President/CEO Krish O’Mara Vignarajah said: “Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service is deeply disappointed with the Supreme Court ruling in favor of the Administration, allowing it to proceed with implementing its “public charge” rule.  Now, millions of families will be kept apart or forced into making a hard decision-choosing whether to obtain necessary medical, nutritional, and/or housing benefits or stay together as family. Even though the policy specifies refugees and asylum seekers are exempt, the chilling effect with these beleaguered communities means they are likely to avoid requesting critically needed medical and food assistance.  As the daughter of immigrants who came to the US with $200 and worked hard to provide for my brother and me, I know firsthand that financial means does not determine the success and ultimate contributions of new Americans.”

“I am dismayed that the Supreme Court would allow this cruel rule to be enacted,” said Laura Peralta-Schulte, Senior Government Relations Advocate for NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice. “A wealth test goes against everything my Catholic faith teaches as does punishing immigrants who use legally-allowed, life-saving services. Its purpose is to strip the dignity from our immigrant neighbors and instill fear in their hearts. President Trump is literally stealing food off the tables of families.”

The Interfaith Immigration Coalition is made up of 55 national, faith-based organizations brought together across many theological traditions with a common call to seek just policies that lift up the God-given dignity of every individual. In partnership, we work to protect the rights, dignity, and safety of all refugees and migrants. 

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