First 100+ Days of Biden-Harris Administration

IIC Immigration Policy Priorities

The Interfaith Immigration Coalition (IIC) is composed of over 55 international and national faith-based organizations, united in a commitment to fair and humane immigration policies that reflect our call to welcome the stranger and protect human dignity. Coalition members and grassroots networks serve migrants abroad, at the U.S./Mexico border, and throughout the U.S.; educate the public; and mobilize people of faith to advocate for humane immigration policies.

Following are IIC priorities for the first 100 days and beyond for the new Administration, and examples of our work, listed in order of key dates. For more, see this backgrounder and longer summary.

We are also calling for immigrants and refugees to be included in all COVID relief efforts enacted by Congress and the Administration. See this letter from faith leaders and faith-based organizations.


Biden-Harris Commitment: Protect TPS and DED holders from being returned to unsafe countries; advance legislation with pathways to citizenship, designate TPS for Venezuela and consider designations for other countries.

IIC 100 Days+: DED, available to the Biden Administration on day one, as a bridge to TPS protection. Expanding the use of TPS to protect people facing life-threatening circumstances. Immediately designating TPS for countries the previous Administration failed to protect (Venezuela, the Bahamas, Lebanon, Cameroon, Hong Kong, and Mauritania), settling litigation and restoring protection for the populations the previous Administration terminated or failed to redesignate.

IIC Examples: TPS and DACA Advocacy Webinar, Faith letters for Yemen and Somalia TPS, Petition to senate to pass H.R.6 and Advocacy Toolkit.

Key Dates: DED expiration for Liberia (1/10/21); Deadline for TPS extensions under Ramos v. Nielsen (10/4/21) TPS decisions for currently designated countries: Syria (1/30/21), Yemen (7/5/21), Somalia (7/19/21), South Sudan (3/3/22).

Detention and Deportation 

Biden-Harris Commitment: End for profit detention centers, codify Flores agreement, 100-day moratorium on deportations; explore alternatives to detention.

IIC 100 Days+: End family detention and reliance on detention in general; expand alternatives to detention; dramatically overhaul deportation priorities. Transition immigrants out of sanctuary and cancel their removal orders. Drastically reduce ICE and CBP’s budget. Begin process of allowing individuals to return after deportation.

IIC Work Examples: Supporting Shut Down Berks events, educational webinar on African asylum-seekers, 300k petition delivery to ICE.

Key Dates: 4th “anniversary” of 1st Trump policies increasing detention and deportation and refugee ban, EOs 13767 and 13768 (1/25/21); expiration of 100-days deportation moratorium (4/29/21).

Muslim, Refugee, and African Ban

Biden-Harris Commitment: End the Muslim/Refugee/African ban.

IIC 100 Days+: Rescind all Muslim, African, refugee, and asylum bans and policies that exclude people from the U.S. or constrict their right to apply for protection.

IIC Examples: Faith Letter to pass No Ban Act, No Refugee Ban Week of Action; Black Immigrants’ Lives Matter statement.

Key Dates: 4th “anniversary” of 1st Trump Muslim and refugee ban, EO 13769 (1/27/21).

Rebuilding the Refugee Resettlement Program 

Biden-Harris Commitment: Expand refugee resettlement goal to 125,000 and continue to raise it over time.

IIC 100 Days+: Increase FY21 admissions toward setting the FY22 goal at 125,000, with increases to follow, and rescind anti-refugee executive orders. Ensure appropriations to rebuild infrastructure. Appoint a senior-level White House coordinator to initiate an interagency audit of refugee processing and security procedures. Direct the ORR at HHS and the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration at DOS to rebuild the program. Click here for a one page fact sheet.

IIC Examples: Faith Letter to Welcome Refugees; Press Release: Faith Community Outraged by Cuts to U.S. Refugee Program; Press Release: Interfaith Leaders Applaud Refugee Hearing; Letter in Support of H.R.8046, The Improving Opportunities for New Americans Act; Lift the Welcome Torch Action Webinar; Virtual Congressional Advocacy Days; Faith Letter: COVID-19 Protection for Refugees and Immigrants.

Key Dates: 4th “anniversary” of 1st Trump Muslim and refugee ban, EO 13769 (1/27/21); World Refugee Day (6/20/21).

Restoring Functional Asylum Processing 

Biden-Harris Commitment: Wind down MPP and other attacks on asylum.

IIC 100 Days+: End all anti-asylum policies implemented by the Trump and Obama Administrations, including illegal turnbacks of asylum-seekers, the “Remain in Mexico”/MPP policy, and Title 42 expulsions. Restore and expand the Central American Minors program. Ensure all unaccompanied children arriving at U.S. borders have access to legal, social service, and anti-trafficking support.

IIC Examples: National Day of Prayer to Save Asylum, Virtual Congressional Advocacy Days, Journey with Black Migrants Advent/Epiphany resources.

Key Dates: 2nd “anniversary” of MPP policy (1/29/21).

Border Issues

Biden-Harris Commitment: Recognize and treat the border region as the vibrant, vital area that it is, not a war zone; stop wasting money on border wall; focus on criminal cartels and cargo screening, smart technology.

IIC 100 Days+: Begin transforming a culture of hostility and militarization to one that is respectful of human dignity and rights. Reduce CBP budget, cease all wall construction, begin to remove barriers, and address environmental damage. Include border communities in decisions about their region.

IIC Examples: Statement mourning deaths due to militarization, denouncing border lockdown.

Key Dates: 2nd “anniversary” of MPP policy (1/29/21), 3rd “anniversary” of Claudia Gomez’ death by Border Patrol (5/28/21).


Biden-Harris Commitment:Reinstate DACA; legislate a pathway to citizenship; provide access to Federal aid.

IIC 100+: Fully reinstate DACA, include new applicants. Legislate a pathway to citizenship

IIC Examples: #Faith4DACA petition to Senate; DACA Bells For Justice; Monday DACA/TPS Prayers

Key Dates: Decision in Texas lawsuit from Hanen (TBD)