Faith Leader Letter to Biden: Protect and Welcome Afghan Refugees

WASHINGTON, DC – Out of a deep concern for the people of Afghanistan, 219 faith leaders and 88 faith organizations signed a letter to the president urging him to provide a robust humanitarian response to the crisis in Afghanistan and to expand opportunities for Afghans to seek refuge in the United States.

The administration must take full responsibility for protecting the lives of thousands of Afghan allies that worked alongside U.S. forces, as well as provide robust protections for vulnerable populations in Afghanistan, including women, girls, LGBTQIA+ people, people with disabilities, and religious and minority groups. 

“After months of warnings to evacuate and protect Afghan lives during U.S. withdrawal, faith leaders, veterans, advocates, and experts called for a timely, efficient, and secure Afghan evacuation. Tens of thousands of our Afghan allies are in imminent danger and face retaliation and death by the Taliban. On August 15th, Taliban forces took control of Kabul, seeding panic throughout the city and country. We are met with unending accounts of the desperation of Afghans seeking to flee.”

“If ‘human rights must be at the center of our foreign policy, not the periphery,’ as you stated in [your] address to the American people and to the world, the United States must stand behind its promises… We are called by our sacred texts to love our neighbor, accompany the vulnerable, and welcome the sojourner… Our places of worship and faith communities stand ready to welcome all Afghans in need of refuge.” 

Read the complete letter and list of signatories here

The Interfaith Immigration Coalition is made up of over 55 national, faith-based organizations brought together across many theological traditions with a common call to seek just policies that lift up the God-given dignity of every individual. In partnership, we work to protect the rights, dignity, and safety of all refugees and migrants. Follow us on Twitter @interfaithimm 
